
Thursday 8 August 2013

Vegan Vox Reviews...Hill Biscuits

I adore biscuits! Anyone who knows me in real life knows how much I love biscuits and cookies. When people visit my house, there is often the smell of warm spices, coconut and oats coming from my kitchen. I give handmade biscuits as gifts to friends and I really must share a couple of my vegan biscuit recipes with you all soon!

That said, there are times when you just want to grab a packet of biscuits and a drink and watch your favourite TV show without baking, or it's your turn to bring in the biscuits for the tea run at work. I have noticed since becoming vegan how many biscuits contain dairy products or honey, so I have set myself a mission to find and taste-test some of the vegan biscuits out there to share with you. It's a tough mission!

This is my latest find. Hill Biscuits have been around for over 150 years, they make a wide range of biscuits and cookies, some of these are vegan.

In my nearest Nisa Local store, these biscuits sell for the bargain price of 4 packets for £1.00! For this price, I wasn't expecting much. These are not finest quality, organic ingredients made lovingly by hand and wrapped in exquisite packaging and tied with a pretty ribbon biscuits, but my vegan friends, they have no animal products in them and they are a bargain!  

The first packet I tasted was the Orange Creams. These are lightly flavoured with an orange cream centre and have a vanilla biscuit base. They are quite moreish but don't taste like real orange, more synthetic. 3/5

The next on my list were the Digestive Creams, now these are unusual in that they have sandwiched a vanilla cream between two digestive biscuits. These were addictive. Lots of flavour and not too dry. Lovely dunked in tea and I had to hide the cookie jar from Mr Vox as he couldn't get enough! 5/5

The final selection was the Chocolate Creams, I bought two packs of these in my 4 for £1 deal, so I was hoping for the best. They didn't disappoint! The taste like Bourbon Creams, chocolatey and creamy although they do get a 'bit much' after a couple. That's not necessarily a bad thing (for my waistline anyway) and it curbed my chocolate cravings! 4/5

So next time you are on 'biscuit duty' at work or fancy something chocolatey to dunk in your coffee, try some Hill Biscuits, at least until I post my own Vegan Vox Biscuit recipes anyway!

Please note not all of the biscuits in this deal or in the range are vegan so please check the labels before purchasing, but all of the flavours reviewed on this blog are very much vegan! Yay!

Big Vegan Love,



  1. Mmmm I love biscuits! Thanks for the review, are they available in the U.S.?

    1. Hi They are UK only but if you email me your address to I can mail you a packet to try VVx

  2. Oh amazing I've never seen these biscuits and a creme type filling can be something of a rarity as a vegan (except for bourbon creams and oreos) so I'll definitely try to track them down. Thanks!

    1. Hi I found these today in Home Bargains for 26p per pack. VVx
