
Tuesday 6 August 2013

Vegan Recipe of the Week - Vegan Vox Pizza and Calzone

Last week I posted my homemade pizza on Instagram and got lots of love for it so I thought I'd post the recipe for those who asked and for the regular Tuesday recipe folks.

Vegan Vox Pizza - makes 2 large pizzas - serves 4 hungry vegans!


For the dough you will need:

275 ml of tepid water
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
450 g strong bread flour
2.5 tsp instant or fast-acting dried yeast (1 x 7 g sachet)

For the toppings:

Pizza toppings are personal but I used:

passata with herbs
roasted red peppers
red onion
green olives
Italian herbs
black pepper
olive oil


I use a bread-maker on dough setting for the dough but you can easily make this dough by hand. Pour the water into the bread-maker bucket or bowl. then add the oil, salt and sugar. Cover with the flour and then sprinkle on the yeast. If combining by hand knead for a good 10-15 minutes to combine the ingredients and then leave to prove. After one hour, knock back and then prove again for a further hour. Once the dough is ready remove the dough from the bucket or bowl and turn onto a floured surface and quickly knead. Divide the dough in half and roll each piece into a round disc. Place the rolled dough onto an oiled and floured 12" pizza tin or baking sheet.

Cover with sauce and toppings to within 1" of the edge of the pizza and and then cover with oiled clingfilm and refrigerate for 30 minutes before baking. This gives a nice crispy base. 

Preheat the oven to 220C and bake the pizza for 20-25 minutes. Enjoy!

Calzone option:

This can easily be adapted to make calzone (this dough makes 8 small calzone). Brush the edges of the 8 small circles with water, cover half of your circle with your filling, fold over the dough and seal. Transfer to a greased baking sheet, cover with a clean towel and leave to prove for 10 minutes. Brush with olive oil and bake in the 220C oven for 12 minutes, then turn over, brush the other side and bake for a further 10-12 minutes until golden.

Let me know your favourite pizza combinations in the comments below or @veganvoxblog on Twitter, I would love to see your VV Pizza pictures too.

I have tried many different vegan cheese options on a pizza but so far the Cheezly mozzarella style grated is my favourite for melting and taste.

Big Vegan Love,



  1. Lovely recipe and pictures! Great to be following a UK vegan blog with reviews too :) Our blog is if you are interested in dropping by. Also we have fb page and Twitter.

    1. Thanks! It tasted lovely too. I will check out your blog. Great to find a local vegan blog :-) VVx
