
Thursday 7 August 2014

Vegan Vox Reviews...The London Tea Company

A few weeks ago the lovely people behind The London Tea Company sent me a huge box of teas to try out and to review for my blog.

This is an ethical tea company which has a fully certified Fair Trade policy which covers the entire range. They have quirky modern packaging, bright colours and a huge range of teas from classics to the more unusual.

As well as the Fair Trade certification, they have robust environmental policies including reducing water usage and carbon footprint and are certified by Viva and The Vegetarian Society. They use no GMO products or by products and even distribute short dated stock to food banks and homeless charities. This is a brand which really wears its heart on its sleeve, which we love at Vegan Vox Blog!

The teas themselves are flavourful and there really is a tea for every mood. They have black teas, green teas, white teas, herbal teas and Rooibos teas. 

These were our favourites, the London Breakfast is a classic breakfast tea, perfect with almond milk. For a refreshing summery tea, try chilled Peach & Rhubarb over ice.

Mr Vox particularly enjoyed this Sencha Green Tea, which he enjoyed with a twist of lemon. Other favourites are the fragrant Vanilla Chai and fruity Lemon & Ginger.

If you haven't tried The London Tea Company products yet, you can purchase directly from their website here. The London Breakfast is currently on sale too.

A huge thanks to The London Tea Company for sending lovely samples and for being a refreshingly (pun intended) ethical company who genuinely care about their tea, their workers, the environment and their brand.

Big Vegan Love,


I was not paid to review this product, however I did receive free samples. All views and opinions are my own.

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