
Tuesday 13 August 2013

Vegan Recipe of the Week - Spiced Pear Crumble

Spiced Pear Crumble

A few weeks ago I blogged about my Riverford Organic fruit and veg boxes. In that first fruit box, I had some gorgeous organic pears, so I decided to make a delicious Spiced Pear Crumble - Vegan style of course! Here is my recipe:

Serves 4


225g Plain flour
90g Caster sugar
Pinch of salt
1 tsp powdered ginger
115g vegan butter

1 tsp powdered ginger or 2 pieces stem ginger in syrup (finely chopped)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla paste
100g soft brown sugar
100ml water
4 large ripe pears, peeled, cored and chopped
Juice and zest of 1 lime


Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/180C fan/Gas 6

Sift the flour into a mixing bowl and add the caster sugar, salt and powdered ginger.

Cut the vegan butter into chunks - a harder butter works well for this like Stork for Pastry in the foil packet - the colder the better. Rub the chunks into the flour mix with your fingertips until you get the texture of fine breadcrumbs. Set aside the bowl for topping your crumble later.

To make the filling, boil the water and brown sugar together and then add the chopped pears to the sugar water and simmer for a few minutes. Add the spices, lime zest and juice to the pear mixture and stir, simmer for another minute. Spoon the mixture into a large ovenproof dish or four small ramekins.

Sprinkle the crumble mixture on top of the fruit and sprinkle with a little cinnamon and brown sugar. 

Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes until the fruit is cooked and the caramel is bubbling. The topping should be golden on top.


Big Vegan Love,


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